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Друиды WotLK
Старый 14.06.2008, 15:33   #1
BOT Wortero
Регистрация: 26.05.2008
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Wortero стоит на грани уважения и позора...
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Attention Друиды WotLK


New Druid spells:
  • Lock Jaw - Finishing move that stuns the target and deals damage. Lasts longer per combo point: x points: x+1 seconds (level 75)
  • Nourish- "Heals a friendly target for 1550 to 1800. Heals for an additional 387.5 to 450 if Rejuvenation is on the target."
  • Revive - "Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 1800 health and 1365 mana. Cannot be cast when in combat.
Druid Changes:
  • Eclipse - now lasts 30 sec (up from 12) and has a 2 min cooldown.
  • Owlkin Frenzy - 25% spell haste ditched, now gives balance spell pushback immunity on proc.
  • Imp Moonkin Form - 100% spell haste changed to 20%.
  • Soothe Animal - Now affects dragonkin.
  • Celestial Focus, Vengeance, Focused Starlight, Moonglow - Now also affect Starfall.
  • Entangling Roots - Now ticks every second.
  • Lunar Guidance - Changed to 4/8/12% (down from 8/16/24%).
  • Starfall - Extra damage radius changed to 5 yards (down from 10).
  • Nature's Fury - No longer converts bonus healing into damage.
  • King of the Jungle (new) - While Enraged in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form, your damage is increased by 5/10/15%, and your Tiger's Fury ability also instantly restores 20/40/60 energy.
  • Nurturing Instinct - Changed from 50/100% agi as healing to 35/70%.
  • Primal Aggression - Increases damage done by your Maul and Shred attacks on bleeding targets by 2/4/6/8/10%, and increases the critical strike chance of your Ferocious Bite ability on bleeding targets by 10/20/30/40/50%.
  • Reinforced Hide - removed.
  • Challenging Roar - Cooldown changed to 3 min (down from 10).
  • Maul - Description changed to "A strong attack that increases melee damage by x and causes a high amount of threat."
  • Predatory Strikes - Increases your melee attack power in Cat, Bear, Dire Bear and Moonkin Forms by 50%/100%/150% of your level and 7%/14%/20% of any attack power on your equipped weapon.
  • Ferocious Bite, Rip - Damage values changed.
  • Primal Precision - Changed from 30/60% energy return on failed finisher to 40/80%.
  • Berserk - Changed.
    • Old: Removes all Stun, Fear, Snare and Movement Impairing Effects and increases your energy regeneration rate by 100% while in Cat form, and increases your total health by 20% while in Bear form. After the effect ends, the health is lost. Effect lasts 20 seconds.
    • New: Reduces the energy cost of your Cat form abilities by 50% while in Cat form, and increases your total health by 30% and causes your Mangle (Bear) and Maul abilities hit up to 3 maximum targets while in Bear form or Dire Bear form. Berserk instantly clears all effects which cause loss of control of your character, and makes you immune to them for the duration. Lasts 20 sec.
  • Gift of the Earthmother (new) - Reduces the global cooldown of your Rejuvenation and Lifebloom spells by .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 sec, and causes your Healing Touch and Nourish spells to refund 1/2/3/4/5% of their base cost for each healing over time effect on the target.
  • Master Shapeshifter (new) - Grants an effect which lasts while the Druid is within the respective shapeshift form. (Bear Form: +2%/4% Physical Damage) (Cat Form: +2%/4% Critical Strike Chance) (Moonkin Form: +2%/4% Spell Damage) (Tree Form: +2%/4% Healing)
  • Spark of Nature - removed.
  • Nature's Swiftness - Added "with a casting time under 10 sec" to description.
  • Improved Tranquility - Threat modifier changed to 30/60% (down from 50/100%).
  • Empowered Touch - Changed to 20/40% (up from 10/20%).
  • Living Seed - Proc chance changed to 33/66/100% (up from 20-100%) and effect changed to 30% (up from 15%).
  • Replenish - Proc chance changed to 5/10/15% (up from 4/7/10%).
  • Nourish - Additional heal changed to "an additional 12% for each Rejuvenation, Regrowth or Lifebloom effect cast by you active on the target" (old: +387-450 if Rejuvenation was on the target).
  • Tree of Life - "Shapeshift into the Tree of Life. While in this form your movement speed is reduced by 20% and you can only cast Swiftmend, Innervate, Nature's Swiftness, Rebirth, Barkskin, Nourish, poison removing and healing over time spells, but the mana cost of these spells is reduced by 20%. Your heals also grant friendly targets your Bark's Blessing, increasing healing done to them by 25% of your total Spirit. Bark's Blessing lasts 8 sec." (Restoration) [Changed in]
  • Entangling Roots can now be used indoors as well.
  • Base damage of Maul, Rake and Ravage has been increased.
  • Demoralizing Roar now removes more attack power than before.
  • Soothe Animal is now instant cast.
  • Tiger's Fury no longer costs energy, but now has a 30 second cooldown.
  • Hurricane cooldown has been removed.
  • Frenzied Regeneration now only has one rank. Frenzied Regeneration will now restore 0.1% of your max health per rage instead.
  • Ferocious Bite's damage for extra energy now scales with attack power.
  • Nature's Grasp can now be used indoors as well.
  • Nature's Reach now reduces threat generated by your Balance spells by 15/30% in addition to it's old effect.
  • Brambles now gives your Thorns and Treants a 5/10/15% chance to daze the target for 3 seconds when dealing damage in addition to it's old effect.
  • Omen of Clarity is now a passive effect instead of a self-cast buff.
  • Feral Charge is now available in Cat Form as well.
  • Improved Mark of the Wild has been reduced to a 2 point talent, increasing the effect of Mark of the Wild by 20/40%.
  • Nature's Focus has been reduced to a 3 point talent, now reducing chance to be interrupted by 23/46/70%.
  • Subtlety has been reduced to a three point talent, now reducing threat and reducing the chance your spells will be dispelled by 10/20/30%
  • Improved Tranquility now reduces the cooldown of your Tranquility spell by 25/50% in addition to it's old effect.
  • Improved Faerie Fire works for spells too now.
  • Survival of the Fittest's effect has been doubled.
  • Tree of Life can cast the new Flourish spell. Old extra healing aura has been removed and replaced with Bark's Blessing, which increases healing done on target's of your healing spells by 25% of your spirit for 8 seconds.
  • Mangle (Bear) now increases the damage of your Maul ability instead of the Shred ability.
New Ranks:
  • Typhoon (Rank 1) (new) - "You summon a violent Typhoon that does 530 Nature damage when in contact with hostile targets, knocking them back 5 yards."
  • Faerie Fire (Rank 6) - Reduces armor by 1260.
  • Hurricane (Rank 5) - 2885 mana, no cooldown. 276 damage every 1 sec for 10 sec. Slows melee, ranged and attack speed on targets by 50%.
  • Insect Swarm (Rank 7) - 265 mana, 1050 damage over 12 sec.
  • Moonfire (Rank 13) - 640 mana, 347 to 407 arcane damage, 684 arcane damage over 12 sec.
  • Moonfire (Rank 14) - 745 mana, 406 to 476 arcane damage, 800 arcane damage over 12 sec.
  • Starfire (Rank 9) - 455 mana, 554 to 652 arcane damage.
  • Starfire (Rank 10) - 555 mana, 661 to 779 arcane damage.
  • Wrath (Rank 11) - 320 mana, 414 to 466 nature damage.
  • Wrath (Rank 12) - 380 mana, 489 to 551 nature damage.
Feral Combat
  • Claw (Rank 7) - 300 additional damage.
  • Claw (Rank 8) - 370 additional damage.
  • Demoralizing Roar (Rank 7) - Reduces attack power by 299.
  • Demoralizing Roar (Rank 8) - Reduces attack power by 408.
  • Feral Charge (Cat)) - 10 energy, 0.75 second cast, 8-25 yard range, 30 second cooldown. "Causes you to leap behind an enemy, dazing them for 3 sec."
  • Lacerate (Rank 2) - 70 immediate damage, 255 damage over 15 sec. per stack.
  • Lacerate (Rank 3) - 88 immediate damage, 320 damage over 15 sec. per stack.
  • Maim (Rank 2) - 1 point 226 to 228 damage, 2 points 384 to 386 damage, 3 points 542 to 544 damage, 4 points 700 to 702 damage, 5 points 858 to 860 damage.
  • Mangle (Bear) (Rank 4) - 115% normal damage plus 252. 30% additional damage from Maul instead of Shred
  • Mangle (Bear) (Rank 5) - 115% normal damage plus 299. 30% additional damage from Maul instead of Shred
  • Mangle (Cat) (Rank 4) - 160% normal damage plus 429. Still increases Shred damage.
  • Mangle (Cat) (Rank 5) - 160% normal damage plus 507. Still increases Shred damage.
  • Maul (Rank 9) - 472 bonus damage.
  • Maul (Rank 10) - 578 bonus damage.
  • Pounce (Rank 5) - 2100 damage over 18 sec.
  • Rake (Rank 6) - 150 immediate damage, 321 damage over 9 sec.
  • Rake (Rank 7) - 190 immediate damage, 387 damage over 9 sec.
  • Rip (Rank 8) - 1 point 300 damage over 12 sec, 2 points 498 damage over 12 sec, 3 points 696 damage over 12 sec, 4 points 894 damage over 12 sec, 5 points 1092 damage over 12 sec.
  • Shred (Rank 8) - 225% normal damage plus 630.
  • Shred (Rank 9) - 225% normal damage plus 743.
  • Swipe (Rank 7) - 105 damage.
  • Swipe (Rank 8) - 120 damage.
  • Tiger's Fury (Rank 5) - No energy cost, 30 second cooldown. Increases damage done by 77 for 6 sec.
  • Tiger's Fury (Rank 6) - No energy cost, 30 second cooldown. Increases damage done by 131 for 6 sec.
  • Flourish (Rank 1) (new) - 450 mana, 40 yard range. "Heals friendly party or raid members within 10 yards of the target for 672 over 7 sec. The amount healed is applied quickly at first, and slows down as the Flourish reaches its full duration."
  • Gift of the Wild (Rank 9) - 2295 mana. Armor increased by 750, attributes increased by 37, resistances increased by 54.
  • Healing Touch (Rank 14) - 1190 mana, 3760 to 4440 healing.
  • Healing Touch (Rank 14) - 1400 mana, 4375 to 5165 healing.
  • Lifebloom (Rank 2) - 295 mana, 350 healing over 7 sec per stack. Blooms for 770.
  • Lifebloom (Rank 3) - 430 mana, 441 healing over 7 sec per stack. Blooms for 970.
  • Mark of the Wild (Rank 9) - 850 mana. Armor increased by 750, attributes increased by 37, resistances increased by 54.
  • Nourish (Rank 1) (new) - 600 mana, 1.5 second cast. "Heals a friendly target for 1550 to 1800. Heals for an additional 387 to 450 if Rejuvenation is on the target."
  • Rebirth (Rank 7) - Resurrects with 6400 health and 4700 mana.
  • Regrowth (Rank 11) - 845 mana, 1710 to 1908 healing, 1792 healing over 21 sec.
  • Regrowth (Rank 12) - 1040 mana, 2234 to 2494 healing, 2345 healing over 21 sec.
  • Rejuvenation (Rank 14) - 550 mana, heals for 1192 over 12 sec.
  • Rejuvenation (Rank 15) - 645 mana, heals for 1352 over 12 sec.
  • Tranquility (Rank 6) - 2130 mana, 2598 healing every 2 sec.
  • Tranquility (Rank 7) - 2495 mana, 3035 healing every 2 sec.

Последний раз редактировалось Wortero, 25.08.2008 в 17:31.
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Старый 14.06.2008, 15:39   #2
Аватар для Mael
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Хмм, можно узнать откуда такая информация?
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Старый 14.06.2008, 15:45   #3
BOT Wortero
Регистрация: 26.05.2008
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Wortero стоит на грани уважения и позора...
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http://wotlk.wikidot.com/classes вот отсюда, хотя мне кажется там липы много...
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Старый 14.06.2008, 20:59   #4
BOT Wortero
Регистрация: 26.05.2008
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Wortero стоит на грани уважения и позора...
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http://war-tools.darlinganime.com/index.php?i=druid2 калькулятор талантов 80 уровня
Там же калькуляторы талантов других классов (Deadtknight, mage, priest, shaman, warlock, warrior).

Последний раз редактировалось Wortero, 14.06.2008 в 21:08.
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Старый 15.06.2008, 04:56   #5
Аватар для Mael
Регистрация: 22.01.2008
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Mael - блестящий ораторMael - блестящий ораторMael - блестящий оратор
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http://war-tools.darlinganime.com/index.php?i=druid2 калькулятор талантов 80 уровня
Там же калькуляторы талантов других классов (Deadtknight, mage, priest, shaman, warlock, warrior).
Которые делают сами посетители саита, т.е. там одни феики.
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Старый 15.06.2008, 06:55   #6
Аватар для Neruat
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Neruat , несомненно, знает многое, чему стоит поучиться...Neruat , несомненно, знает многое, чему стоит поучиться...
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Tiger's Fury ability also instantly restores 20/40/60 energy.

омг, она типа будет давать 30 энерг ии при юзе? ну-ну
privet rebuata!
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Старый 15.06.2008, 08:19   #7
Аватар для PREDATOR
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PREDATOR  - великолепный выбор для заручения поддержкой
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Feral Charge (Cat)) - 10 energy, 0.75 second cast, 8-25 yard range, 30 second cooldown. "Causes you to leap behind an enemy, dazing them for 3 sec."
ггг будет чёто типа шадоустепа у рог)
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Старый 15.06.2008, 08:25   #8
Аватар для Mael
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Mael - блестящий ораторMael - блестящий ораторMael - блестящий оратор
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ггг будет чёто типа шадоустепа у рог)
99% вероятность того, что все это подделка.
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Старый 15.06.2008, 12:13   #9
BOT Wortero
Регистрация: 26.05.2008
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Wortero стоит на грани уважения и позора...
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Да наверняка, по кусочкам информации составили, но на правду похоже. Ничего там свехестественного нету и вполне реализуемо, возможно это предварительные билды, которые ещё не были протестированны на баланс между классами, заготовки так сказать.
Вообщем не хотите гадать, ждите официальной информации, а пока можно попредставлять, кого из себя будет представлять, допустим - друид
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Старый 16.06.2008, 00:21   #10
BOT Kelt
Аватар для Kelt
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Kelt имеет неплохую карму...
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Скорее всего кто-то c PTR или из сотрудников в обход соглашений опубликовал инфу. Найдут - покарают )

Читаю: друидам вероятно дадут массхил. Ура )))
Дерево станет бронированным )) но ауру понерфили.

Последний раз редактировалось Kelt, 16.06.2008 в 00:32.
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